Comfort Life

Jim Huinink - Editor

Jim Huinink
Editor, Comfort Life
March 2024


This month marks the fourth anniversary of the “official” beginning of the pandemic when the world changed overnight. People lost trust in many things, perhaps most undeniably in senior care. We’re still rebuilding that, to be honest, right?

With that in mind, transparency and integrity are more critical than ever. People seeking care say their top priority is developing high-quality relationships based on mutual trust, empathy, authenticity, and continuity of care. This comes at every touchpoint on the consumer journey, and it’s work.

Three ways to build relationships throughout the consumer journey:

  1. Build trust right from the start. 99.5% of people research consumer decisions online, often beginning there. So it’s important to get found—but also to be found at the right time, when they have an open frame of mind. And of course, when they search using one of thousands of senior living and retirement home keywords, they find

  2. Give people opportunities to research as deeply as possible. 90% of consumers consider reviews before making a decision, and 78% of consumers say the more expensive the product or service, the more they rely on reviews. You do the same, don't you?

    Longform reviews (e.g., VIVA Thornhill) and video interviews (e.g., Sagecare) are highly valued by families and seniors in the decision process. Tai Ma of Sagecare says, “Many people have mentioned they wanted to tour after watching the videos.”

    April Johnstone of The Redwoods says, "People regularly mention information found only in our Comfort Life video, so we know that it's effectively influencing their decision."

  3. Be transparent. If you’re not, people will wonder what you’re hiding—and they’ll also wonder why.

    When we surveyed seniors and family members researching retirement living, their responses highlighted the importance of openly displaying pricing, suite options, and care services. They also wanted to know as much as possible about staff, management, and their future.

    Comfort Life brand identity questions, positioned at the top of your report, are informed by this feedback. They’re designed to empower you to shape your brand and dispel any preconceived notions about your community or service.



In other news

  • We’re coming to TWC 2024! We’ll be at Booth #410 in the Exhibitor Hall at Together We Care (TWC). Be sure to stop by, say hello, and pick up your copy of our 2024 Roadmap to learn more about what’s coming this year to Comfort Life. Once again in 2024, more than a million Canadians will use our platform.

  • Membership renewal is here. Expect your membership renewal package to arrive in the mail within the next week. Find early-bird incentives in it, including the opportunity for an exclusive Insider’s Perspective video review and significant rate savings.

  • We're also thrilled to introduce new opportunities exclusively for our Silver and Gold members. Early-bird renewal ends on April 30, 2024.

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